Sunday, October 13, 2013

Is Anyone Still out There?

Ok I'm SO sorry about my absence here. I hate to make excuses but I really think I picked the worst time to start this blog. It's probably the busiest season I've been in (with the exception of the weekend where I graduated college and got married within 24 hours of each other). The Mr. and I are trying to buy a home so that's a big ball of stress and has us visiting a lot of houses and always being in communication with a realtor and mortgage broker. It keeps us very busy. On top of that we're still handling repercussions of a car accident that we were involved in this summer. It wasn't our fault at all, but we still have a lot we have to handle due to the severity of it. Those two things coupled with Mr. going back to Grad school have me so busy that all I want to do when I'm home is rest. I'm hoping that soon I will be able to calm down enough to get back into posting, I'm thinking of taking this upcoming week off and will be back at it next Monday. Rest assured that I'll be using my self given time off as brainstorming time for new posts and the direction I want to take this blog!

Stay tuned my lovely readers!

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